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Advancing the frontiers of computer modeling and simulation in the molecular sciences

The Competence Center for Computational Chemistry (C4) is a network of computational chemists of the IBM Zürich Research Laboratory, the University of Zürich, and the ETH Zürich. The goal of C4 is to seek new frontiers and opportunities in molecular modeling and simulation, to cater to the flow of know-how within this community, and to serve as a platform for the interaction with partners from other areas of science or from outside academia. C4 was launched twenty years ago as a scientific collaboration between the IBM Research Laboratory and ETH Zürich, and has grown considerably since. Today, the C4 network covers a much broader spectrum of research activities, and its output in terms of scientific results is still on the increase.

More about the center

IBM Research Prize

The 2024 Call for Nominations for the IBM Research prize is open! Read more here.


In 2015 it was decided to discontinue the publication of a (printed) Annual Report.
The link to the previous editions is here

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